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Development and testing of a hybrid propellant rocket engine fabricated by additive manufacturing (2023 - 2026)

19 de Fevereiro de 2024, 22:36 , por Olexiy Shynkarenko - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 9 vezes

Grant source:   CNPq (R$ 998.000,00)

Team: Dr. Olexiy Shynkarenko, Dr. Carlos Alberto Gurgel Veras, Dr. Jungpyo Lee, Dr. Artur Elias de Moraes Bertoldi, Dr. Maksym Ziberov, Dr. Rafael Castilho Faria Mendes, Dr. Antonella Ingenito, Dr. Paolo Teofilatto

Abstract: Hybrid propellant rocket engines have some advantages over solid and liquid engines, especially in higher operational safety and lower overall complexity, making them an excellent platform for testing new technologies in aerospace propulsion. In Brazil, UnB was the pioneer in studying these propulsive systems and has a modern test bench and associated methodologies for developing thrusters that use solid fuels applied to rockets and missiles. The Chemical Propulsion Laboratory at UnB is one of the most important in the national academic sector, with many internationally recognized Ph.D. researchers in the area. Based on these resources, infrastructure, and human capital, this proposal aims to develop, manufacture and test the hot parts of a hybrid propellant rocket engine produced by additive manufacturing. The aim is to form a national critical mass in the use of modern techniques to design and manufacture propulsive systems involving companies, research and innovation institutes, and academia. Regarding technological maturity, the objective is to reach the TRL = 6 level for the combustion chamber. The development of structural and thermal calculation tools for the hot parts of the engine integrated into the material definition and subsequent additive manufacturing of such systems is a pioneering initiative in Brazil, with prompt applicability to the defense and aerospace sectors. Additive manufacturing allows the introduction of innovative solutions to cool hybrid and liquid propellant rocket engines, dramatically reducing the costs of developing and manufacturing such systems. As a technological demonstrator, the engine will also stimulate the development of new space systems by startups and "spin-offs," with the potential to enlarge the portfolio of modern aerospace products offered by the Brazilian industry.



Universidade Sapienza

Universidade Aeroespacial da Coréia

Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Processamento a Laser

Equipe de competição “Capital Rocket Team”

Efran Metalúrgica

Força Aérea Brasileira