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Development and testing of the thrust vectoring system for rocket engines

19 de Fevereiro de 2024, 23:40 , por Olexiy Shynkarenko - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 19 vezes

Grant source:   FAPDF (R$ 139.600,00)

Team: Dr. Olexiy Shynkarenko, Dr. Jungpyo Lee, Dr. Artur Elias de Moraes Bertoldi, Dr. William Reis Silva, Dr. Domenico Simone 


Continuing its research, the current project team intends to research, develop, and test a critical technology for rocket control in flight - thrust vector control (TVC) system for application in hybrid propulsion, with the possibility of future implementation in liquid propulsion engines. The project duration is 24 months, the execution schedule is adequate and proven by previous developments that have been completed, meeting all proposed goals.

The main objective of the project will be the technological development of the compact thrust vector control system at TRL 4 for small rocket engines previously developed in the laboratory, which will allow real-time thrust vector control through sensor signals in the system.

The specific objectives are definition of requirements and schematic of the TVC, development of construction methodology and study of processes in the system, analytical and numerical study of flow processes in propulsion systems with TVC, analytical development of control system and data acquisition, preparation of drawings for manufacturing the rocket engine adjusted for TVC, manufacturing, and assembly of TVC components, testing, implementation of necessary adjustments to meet project requirements, and reliability study of TVC operation.

The main expected results are drawings, manufacturing, and testing under laboratory conditions of the thrust vector control system and the hybrid rocket engine adapted for TVC. The main objective of the project is the analytical, numerical, and experimental development of the compact thrust vector control system at TRL 4 for small rocket engines previously developed in the laboratory. This system will allow real-time engine thrust vector control through onboard sensor signals.

According to the work plan, firstly, the definition of TVC requirements and schematic will be based on the rocket's mission. Analytical and numerical studies of flow processes in propulsion systems with TVC will be conducted to define requirements for mechanical system development. Additionally, the choice of components available in the national market and for system manufacturing will be made, as well as the manufacturing and assembly of the adapted engine and TVC with a control and data acquisition system.

The test bench and data acquisition system will be adapted for TVC installation. Tests of the developed system will be conducted in two stages. The first test stage will serve to characterize the first prototype of the system. In the second stage, the implementation of necessary modifications to meet project requirements and a reliability study of TVC operation are expected.

The main expected results are drawings, manufacturing, and testing under laboratory conditions of the thrust vector control system and the hybrid rocket engine adapted for TVC, high-quality national products with potential for use in aerospace applications, methodology, and analytical and numerical tools for flow analysis and system response during TVC operation process, algorithms and control programs for TVC through sensors, algorithms integrated with rocket engine control, qualification of the project team and students involved in the research.

Project videos:

1. Hybrid Rocket Engine of CPL in Campus Party 2023

2. Demo video from Campus Party 2023

3. Thrust Vector Control for a Hybrid Rocket Engine