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Full-time test 01 - 11/07/2017

12 de Julho de 2017, 19:35 , por Olexiy Shynkarenko - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 165 vezes

With the great satisfaction we have completed the full-time test of the SARA motor duration of 41 seconds of burning using HDPE and Nitrox Oxide propellants.

This result became possible because of the new composite heat insulation technology used for the combustion chamber protection, and because of the hard work of the Propulsion Team of the UnB. With this test was proven the capability of the long hybrid motor operation. As usual, operation of the motor was stable, safe and predictable. The structural metalic parts of the motor remain intact, so we expect to continue our work very soon.

Fig. 1 Testing of the motor (HDPE + N2O) - 41 seconds burning

Fig. 2 Motor after the test