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1 de Setembro de 2017, 18:39 , por Simone Battistini - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Simone Battistini received his BSc (2006) and MSc (2009) degrees in Control System Engineering from Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy).

He obtained a PhD in Aerospace Engineering (2013) at the Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale of Sapienza Università di Roma.

In 2012 he was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel).

In 2017 he was a visiting professor at the Departamento de Enxeñería Mecánica, Máquinas e Motores Térmicos e Fluidos, Universidad de Vigo (Spain).

Since 2013, he is an assistant professor in the Aerospace Engineering course at Faculdade Gama, Universidade de Brasília (Brasil) where he is associated with the Laboratory of Aerospace Science and Innovation (LAICA).

His main research interests are related with guidance, navigation and control of aerospace vehicles.